Summer Math and Literacy Resources
June 2023
Dear SES Families,
Happy Summer! Here at Saugatuck, we have spent the entire year building our reading and math lives, and now it is time for our students to keep that energy going over the summer.
Summer Reading
Every student at SES has created a plan for summer reading. They have thought about what they will read, as well as when and where they will read. We hope that your child will carve out time to read on a regular basis. Reading over the summer matters!
This year, we have updated our SES Summer Fun Website. We have also designed a new way to track Summer Reading to help motivate and celebrate our SES readers. Follow these simple steps:
Steps For Reading this Summer |
To support the importance of keeping our reading lives fresh over the summer, we’re offering our annual SES Summer Reading Family Meet-Up. We'll be gathering on Tuesday, August 1, 4:30-5:30pm at the Westport Library. We can't wait to see you there - please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult (this is not a drop-off event).
Summer Math
Linked to our SES Summer Fun Website, you will find a newly designed math website with links and opportunities for students to continue to strengthen their math skills over the summer. The site contains a range of both online and printable activities for students. There are also recommendations for a selection of board and card games that families can play together to keep math alive over the summer.
Your Saugatuck Literacy and Math Teams