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The Saugatuck Scoop - 2/7/25

This week, we shine our Saugie Spotlight on…the SES PTA! 

It takes a village to run all the events and activities the PTA manages, and somebody has to identify that village of volunteers! As such, it is important that you join us for our next general PTA meeting on Thursday, February 27th, at 9:30 am to vote on the PTA Nominating Committee: Kelly Herman, Annie Pap, Lindsay Pritchard, Nat Smitobol, and Melissa Stewart. This group will recruit all 2025-2026 SES PTA Committee Members. Speaking of volunteer opportunities, we encourage you to click here to check out the open volunteer categories and express your interest in the 2025/2026 school year!

Additionally, we are fortunate to have Math Coach Lisa Wolff and Science Coach Kate Romano join the General PTA meeting to lead a discussion on the importance of a Growth Mindset in our young learners.  Flexibility, grit, and collaboration skills can be developed over time at both home and in school.  Ms. Wolff and Ms. Romano will offer examples and practical suggestions for how parents can help support this work. We’d love to see you there! 

Saugie’s Checklist

  • Today is Sports Spirit Day! Kids can dress up in their favorite sports clothing or jersey.
  • Don’t forget to donate canned goods to your favorite Super Bowl team's collection bin! More details below. 
  • Grab some logo wear and Saugie/Tuck stuffies for a limited time here
  • Check the Lost and Found digital snapshot for your missing items
  • February's lunch menu is here
  • Follow the SES PTA on Instagram @thesaugiescene for reminders, updates, and links. 

Next Week

Saturday, February 8, 5:00 OR 6:15 pm SES Annual Ice Skating Party - Longshore Skating Rink   
Thursday, February 13, 10:00 am SpED Sip n' Chat - Westport Library Room 210
Friday, February 14 Valentine's Spirit Day




Save the Date

Monday, February 17-Friday, February 21

February Recess - No School

Monday, February 24

Professional Development Day - No School

Thursday, February 27, 9:30 am

General PTA Meeting - Details to come





Latest News and Events

The SES SOUPer Bowl Food Drive - Today is the last day!

Today is the last day to bring in non-perishable food donations (see most-needed items below) supporting Person to Person. This local nonprofit provides essential resources, including nutritious food, to needy families.

So far the Eagles are in the lead! Students still have time to bring in donations and place them in their favorite team’s bin. The Student Leadership Committee will tally the cans and let us know who “won” the SOUPer Bowl!

Please donate only non-perishable food items in recyclable bags, which will not be returned—no glass containers. Cans with ring pulls are preferred, as can openers may not be available.

  • Hearty Soups
  • Pasta & Sauce
  • Peanut Butter & Jelly
  • Canned Tuna & Chicken
  • Dried & canned Beans
  • Cold Cereal & Oatmeal
  • Snack & Granola Bars
  • Rice (1 lb. boxes)
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Canned Fruits & Veggies
  • Pancake Mix
  • Shelf- stable Milk

Let’s fill those bins and make a difference! 

SES Annual Ice Skating Party - Tomorrow, 5:00pm OR 6:15pm! 

Please note that there is inclement weather in the forecast for Saturday. The event will go on unless Longshore closes the rink. Please contact the rink directly at 203-226-7465 for questions the day of the event. Tickets include skate rentals, but attendees should bring their own helmets. Please note that this is not a drop-off event. 

Tickets are sold out! If you already joined the waitlist, we will reach out if more space opens up! If you purchased tickets and can no longer attend, please contact Anna Sarly or Inda Sade so that your tickets can be used by someone who hopes to attend!

By purchasing tickets, participants agree to release SES, SES PTA, Westport PAL as well as their respective officers and employees from any and all claims that may arise as a result of any personal injury, loss or damages incurred by self or family relating to or arising in connection with the Ice Skating Party held at Longshore Ice Rink on Saturday, February 8, 2025.

Special Education Sip N’ Chat Thursday, February 13, 10 am 

The Westport SpED PTA welcomes the families of all 504 and IEP students with diverse needs to our Sip n’ Chat on Thursday, February 13, at 10 am in the Westport Public Library, Room 210. This month, we encourage attendees to bring their topics of interest. No RSVP is required. See this flyer describing the issues planned for the year. Questions? Reach out to Megan Bouchard

DEIB News - February is Black History Month

The Foundations of Black Labor in America

African Americans have been integral to shaping America’s labor force. From the forced labor of enslaved people that powered the economy to the skilled craftsmanship of free Black workers, their contributions were essential in building industries like agriculture, construction, and textiles. Did you know that enslaved African Americans worked in the fields and served as blacksmiths, carpenters, and shipbuilders? Their ingenuity laid the groundwork for much of the nation’s infrastructure. Click here to learn more about African Americans at work from the 1860s to today. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Check Out the Parent Volunteer Opportunities for the 25-26 School Year

Whether you're a seasoned PTA volunteer or are interested in getting involved for the first time, we encourage you to click here to check out volunteer categories and express your interest!

By indicating your interest, you're opening the door to a conversation about how your skills can best support our school community. A member of our nominating committee will contact you personally to discuss the opportunities in more detail and answer any questions you may have.

This is a fantastic opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of our students. While expressing interest doesn't guarantee placement (most roles require a two-year commitment), it's the first step towards joining a dedicated team of volunteers who will work together to create a thriving learning environment. We look forward to hearing from you!

Support The PTA

Get Your Logowear and Stuffies For a Limited Time!

Our online store is open again for a limited time. Inventory includes our new designs beloved by students and staff alike. And at long last, our Saugie and Tuck stuffies have been restocked!  You can purchase Logowear online through the PTA website. For any additional questions, please reach out to Heidi Saltzman.

Books As Gifts - Donate a New Book to Our Amazing SES Library

The Books As Gifts program offers friends and families of SES students an opportunity to support our library each year by dedicating a special new library book to their child or someone special. You can celebrate birthdays, accomplishments, holidays, passions, a teacher or staff member, or donate a book just because! To purchase a book from the SES Library's Amazon Wishlist and have a bookplate inscribed with your dedication, please fill out this form. Within the form, you'll be able to access the Amazon Wishlist to purchase the book AND provide the information to us for the bookplate inscription. Once the book arrives at SES, your child will be the first to check it out.

See the flyer for more information. Questions? Email Leah CraneKerri Joller, or Stefanie Kelly.

Updates and Reminders

Drop Off and Pick up Reminder

All families driving north on Riverside Avenue, and planning to drop off or pick up students in the car line, should NOT attempt to turn left into the SES parking lot. Doing so cuts off others waiting patiently in the car line and it prevents School Resource Officer Hall from exiting cars from the parking lot onto Riverside Avenue. Rather than turning left, proceed past the entrance and join the back of the car line. We appreciate your support!

Lost and Found items are piling up!

Is your child missing their hat, gloves, sweater, or coat?  It's frigid outside, and items at the SES Lost & Found are piling up!  Please stop by Lost & Found in the cafeteria and/or check out the Lost & Found Digital Snapshot to see if any missing items are yours!  Don’t forget to label your items.  If we see it’s yours, we’ll contact you!  Contact Susan Ford with any questions.

Helpful Resources

Click here for helpful resources such as previous communications from the SES administration, how-to’s, and district updates.

Scoop of Thanks

…DEIB representatives Eric Cheung and Steve Turner, who made this week’s Lunar New Year Celebration truly special! Also, a huge thank you to the volunteers Karen Han, Jennifer Lee, and Victoria Lynn Srivastava!

Community Corner

Board of Education (BOE) Meetings

Residents are always welcome to attend the BOE meetings in person every other Thursday in the Staples High School Cafeteria (calendar here). You are also able to watch them live from home on the BOE webpage here. Every meeting is archived on that same page for viewing at any time. 

Be “In The Know” with the Digital Community Bulletin Board 

The district's Digital Community Bulletin Board is a regularly updated resource you didn’t know you needed! Make a habit of checking the bulletin board and you’ll be in the know about upcoming sports clinics, school drama club performances, and other events happening around town. If you are interested in submitting something for the bulletin board, please contact the PTA Co-Presidents Allison O'Dell and Indy Pereira (

Redistricting Resource Map Now Available

The district has shared a new redistricting maps resource, which can be found on the district’s Redistricting Resources page. This will help families better understand the proposed elementary attendance zone changes and whether or not they are impacted.  

Contact The Scoop:

To include your announcement or event in The Scoop, please submit this form at least two weeks before the event or announcement date. Last minute announcements must be submitted by Tuesday at 5:00pm to be considered for inclusion in that week's edition, released on Friday. Flyers or attachments need to be approved by Principal Beth Messler ( and PTA Co-Presidents Allison O'Dell and Indy Pereira ( Contact the Scoop ( with any questions or just to say hello.



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