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Parent Tech Help



Please contact the Parent Helpdesk for technical assistance with PowerSchool or Schoology. If you are unable to log into either due to a forgotten password, please use the online parent password reset tool.

  • The Parent Helpdesk is available from 7 a.m. - 2 p.m., Monday - Friday.
  • Email is the best method of communication. Please include your first and last name, your child's grade, and your child's first and last name in your email to You may also call 203-341-1214 for assistance.


PowerSchool is the main source of student demographic data. Grade K-12 parents can access report cards for all students, and class assignments for students in grade 6-12. 

To update your physical address, email address, phone numbers, or emergency contacts, please contact the main office of your youngest child's school. At the high school, please email 

How do I get to PowerSchool?

Click on your school home page listed below, and select "PS Home Access" at the top of the page.

» SHS -
» BMS -
» CMS-
» CES-
» GFS-
» KHS-
» LLS -
» SES -
» SSP -

How do I navigate PowerSchool?

PowerSchool Directions with Screenshots

Parent Portal Cheat Sheet

Printing Report Cards
Chrome is the suggested browser for printing report cards.

Printing the High School Report Card (as of fall 2020)

Printing the Elementary Progress Reports (as of fall 2020)

To print the Middle School Report Cards, please see below

  • Right-click and choose print, or CTRL + P (CMD + P on Mac).
  • For elementary report cards, change Layout to Landscape, all other school report cards or transcripts should have the Layout set to Portrait.
  • Select the button for More settings, then uncheck Headers and footers, and check Background graphics.



Schoology is the District's Learning Management System where you can access documents, handouts, assignments (grade 6-12), and classroom multimedia materials. You will also find links to PTA information, forms, and news about upcoming events.

How do I get to Schoology?
Click on your school home page listed below, and select "Schoology" at the top of the page.

» SHS -
» BMS -

» CMS-


The Westport Schools directory is ready! Access to the directory is available upon registering and providing payment to each school where you have a child registered. Each Westport school PTA is a separate, non-profit organization that provides financial support and parent volunteers for a wide range of programs, services and social events that enrich our children's educational experience. By registering on AtoZ Connect you are joining the school’s PTA as a supporting member. Membership does not require volunteering but does fund the enrichment programs at your school provided by the PTA. We cannot do this without the support of all parents, teachers and staff within each school community.

How to sign up

Questions?  Contact your directory chair


Use MySchoolBucks to deposit money into one or more student lunch accounts, track purchase history, create low-balance reminders and even set-up an automatically recurring payment.

For help, please contact the Dining Services Director at 203-341-2431


The system provides an organized and efficient tracking system for end of day elementary school dismissals. It replaces written notes and phone calls to the office that advise your school of changes to regular plans for your child(ren)’s dismissal. Complete your changes before 1:45pm.

For help contact School Dismissal Manager

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Recent News


For Inclusive Schools Week at SES, our young artists looked at Life WTR's "canvas for change" campaign and created their own water bottle label designs. Each student's label is designed around one message they would choose to share with the world if they were given the chance like the life wtr artists. 

Read More about Canvas for Change

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